More than 1,500 families in East TN were devastated by the floods generated by Hurricane Helene in late September.
Over 500 families had their homes completely destroyed. Tennessee Baptists have committed to building at least 40 new homes and repairing as many others as possible.
At the January Quarterly Conference, our church unanimously affirmed to call our congregation to raise $25,000.
Your gift to ARISE AND BUILD will enable our church to adopt a family to rebuild their home and give them hope.

The flood, which tore through a large geographic area on Sept. 27, 2024, destroyed homes, churches, and businesses, leaving countless people displaced.
Tennessee Baptist Churches are responding with incredible generosity, sharing the hope of Jesus in the midst of this crisis.

To date, Tennessee Baptist Disaster Relief has completed more than 550 cleanup jobs and restored 62 homes. Additionally, TBDR is securing commitments from Tennessee Baptist churches to rebuild houses.

This picture, provided by the Baptist Reflector, is one of the first houses being constructed as part of the Arise and Build Initiative.
The Tennessee Baptist Mission Board has partnered with the Appalachian Service Project to rebuild at least 40 homes damaged by Hurricane Helene.